
Recently, the user of a social networking media called Instagram must be familiar with the hashtag entitled ‘selfie’. Everybody, from the common people to celebrity, is taking selfie. Selfie is the abbreviation of ‘Self Portrait’ which means as the act of taking your personal picture using smart phones or webcam and directly upload it to your social media accounts. This phenomenon has been popular among students since they are the user of Instagram. The aim of this research is to identify the correlation of getting attention, need and recognition by taking selfie with the interest of using Instagram. The growth of someone’s interest cannot be happened without any stimulus for that interest. Someone’s needs also raise the willingness to fulfill that satisfaction. Appeal is the magnet in fulfilling that satisfaction since appeal stimulates the interest. The method used in this research is correlation; a method which investigates the correlation between variables. Correlation method is aimed to investigate how a variation in one factor relates to another variation in another factor. The Self Actualization theory is the theory used in this research; the validity test with the reliability test in this research used the correlation coefficient of Product-Moment Pearson for the validity test and Cronbach’s Alpha for the reliability test. The object of this research is the students of SMAN 22 Bandung located in Rajamantri Kulon Street, and the writer used simple random sampling method in order to get representative samples. Through the assessment of selfie photos, respondents consider that the appeal of selfie photos is connected between one and another. The calculation which is derived from the validity and reliability tests show that there is a relation between independent and dependent variables; there is correlation between X1, X2, X3, and X4 variables with the Y variable. In conclusion, it is in accordance to the hypothesis that H0 is denied and H1 is accepted, which means that there is relation between appeal and interest in using Instagram.

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