
There are several views and tendencies that distinguish between schools and madrasas in several aspects, one of them is the curriculum. Madrasah as islamic educational institution contains more religious lessons compared to public schools. As a result, madrasah are considered less able to provide good result in educational achievement. Overall, the education system which is based on National Education Standards (SNP) is used for assessing the educational accreditation. SNP is the minimum criterion of education system in Indonesia can be evaluated from the National Examination (UN). As latent variable, SNP is measured through 124 items as variable indicators. One of methods which is used to measure the relationship among latent variables, and latent variables with their indicator variables is structural equation modeling (SEM). A component-based SEM is called Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GSCA). GSCA analysis based on measurement model, there were 9 indicators were not significant, in which 1 indicator of standard of education and staff (SPT), 5 indicators on standard of infrastructure (SSP), and 3 indicators on standard of cost (SB). Evaluation of the structural model, it was found that the path coefficient of standard of content (SI) to UN was not significant and standard of competency (SKL) given the biggest direct effect to UN. The overall goodness of fit model showed that the total variance that can be explained of all indicators and latent variables in evaluating model of accreditation and national examinations was 63.9%. The difference in the percentage of accreditation status between schools and madrasas shows different UN results. In the 2017-2018 period, MTsN had a higher percentage of accredited schools, in line with that the average MTsN UN obtained was better than that of SMP in all types of subjects.

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