
The story is a form of human expression that is very likable to the soul, and it manifests the various attitudes and emotions, by recounting a particular incident, in a manner that attracts people in their deliberations and conversations. The story is not new in our Literature, the Arabs in Pre-Islamic Period were commonly using it in their councils and in their spare time, such as refereeing for their wars and heroism, infect these stories were aimless and purposeless, as they were only for spare time. And they narrate them on different themes & topics. After the emergence and spread of Islam, the story became purposeful and aim full. The first aim was to take good ethical lessons from these stories especially of old and previous nations, for examples stories of the Allah’s Prophets, or unjust kings like Pharaoh, Qarun, and Shaddad And the story of Joseph peace be upon him from which we take love and innocence, and stories of Paradise and hell, and stories of the owners of hells. Since then, they benefit writers with different types of stories in their literary products such as trips and speeches. Among them were the nomadic writers who have made the story a method and a way to express their feelings and emotions and accidents witnessed in their journeys. In this brief research I will talk about the storytelling style in the Hijazi trips such as Ibn Jubayr, Ibn al-Abdari, Ibn Battuta's trip to Hijaz and other ancient and modern journeys. The research is divided into the following main points: 1. Methodology of Hijaz trips. 2. The narrative tendency in the Hijazi trips. 3. Conclusions and recommendations

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