
ABSTRACTRed-yellow podzolic soil is widespread in West Kotawaringin and mostly used as agricultural land. It causechanges in soil properties so that soil fertility analysis is needed. The research aims to study the chemistry andphysics of red-yellow podzolic, as a result of agricultural activities. The research was conducted by taking soilsamples from unmanaged land (control land) and oil palm plantations belong to KUD Tani Subur which appliedoil palm integration with cows in Pangkalan Lada, Central Kalimantan. In this study we conducted simple randomsampling method with 5 replications. Variables used as parameter in the study are porosity, bulk density, pH, Ctotal, N-total, P-available, Cation Exchange Capasity (CEC), base saturation (BS), Fe, and Al-exchangeable. Theresults show oil palm plantations have soil porosity 51,84%, bulk density 1,28 g cm-3, pH soil about 5,02-5,04;C-total 1,23-1,69%; N- total%; 0,06-0,11%, P-available 8,1-8,9 ppm; CEC 18,52-22,85 me 100g-1; BS 1,79-3,24; Fe 0,59-0,82 ppm; and Al- exchangeable 110,46-111,29 ppm, but control land have soil porosity 45,03%;bulk density 1,46 g cm-3; pH 5,04-5,13; C-total 0,76-1,05; N-total 0,09-0,19; P- available 9,3-9,7 ppm; CEC20,30-22,27 me 100g-1; BS 2,33-2,76%; Fe 0,02-0,68 ppm; and Al-ec 126,67-156,60 ppm. Land use of RYP soiltypes as oil palm plantations with semi- organic processing techniques does not degrade the soil, and couldincrease land productivity compared to unmanaged land.Keywords: RYP, soil chemistry and physics, different land use.


  • Red-yellow podzolic soil is widespread in West Kotawaringin and mostly used as agricultural land

  • The results show oil palm plantations have soil porosity 51,84%, bulk density [1,28] g cm-3, pH soil about 5,02-5,04; C-total 1,23-1,69%; N- total%; 0,06-0,11%, P-available [8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] ppm; Cation Exchange Capasity (CEC) 18,52-22,85 me 100g-1; base saturation (BS) 1,793,24; Fe 0,59-0,82 ppm; and Al- exchangeable [110,46-111,29] ppm, but control land have soil porosity 45,03%; bulk density [1,46] g cm-3; pH 5,04-5,13; C-total 0,76-1,05; N-total 0,09-0,19; P- available [9,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,7] ppm; CEC 20,30-22,27 me 100g-1; BS 2,33-2,76%; Fe 0,02-0,68 ppm; and Al-ec [126,67-156,60] ppm

  • Besarannya aliran permukaan (run oof) pada berbagai tipe kelerengan dibawah tegakan Eucalypytus spp

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Percobaan ini telah dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Pangkalan Lada, Kabupaten Kotawaringin Barat untuk pengambilan sampel tanah pada 14 - 15 September 2016 pada awal musim penghujan, dilanjutkan dengan analisis tanah pada 26 September – 17 November 2016 di Laboratorium Analitik, Universitas Palangka Raya. Metode pengambilan sampel tanah tak terusik digunakan untuk menganalisa sifat fisika tanah, sedangkan untuk menganalisa sifat kimia tanah dilakukan dengan metode pengambilan sampel tanah terusik di kedalaman tanah 0-10 cm dan [10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20] cm pada perkebunan kelapa sawit dan lahan kontrol. Langkah kerja pertama pada daerah di sekitar titik pengambilan sampel dilakukan pembersihan seresah, kemudian pada lapisan tanah diletakkan ring sampel dengan posisi tegak dan ditekan ke dalam tanah. Analisis Data Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan regresi dan korelasi yang bertujuan untuk memperoleh data keterkaitan dan hubungan antar sifat- sifat tanah PMK pada penggunaan lahan yang berbeda dan kedalaman tanah yang berbeda.

Nilai Kriteria Nilai Kriteria
Perkebunan kelapa sawit Lahan kontrol
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