
Change and development started with the creation of universe and human being. The society got developed and advanced, depended on the experiences of man in the past, environmental situation, relations with all other species around him etc. The culture and civilization also developed with the passage of time. The man could not decide with justice even with his full understanding of the of problems and situation. On the eve of unsuccessful approach of human being towards such problems and their solutions / decisions, Almighty Allah guided the human being through His messengers. The purpose of their (Prophets-pbut) being was to make favourable and justful approach to the problems faced by the man as an individual as well as in society. The culture and civilization is infact the progressive shape of man made cultures having all the past experiences of social life confronted by him in the past. Islamic civilization considers all the elements essential to effectuate the living of humanbeing. The concept of life, the purpose of life, the beliefs & thoughts, the involvement of man, the collective structure of the society etc are the basic elements of Islamic culture & civilization. Cultures & Civilizations are formulated on three major factors, i.e. Geographical, Biological and Ideological factors. Culture and Civilization also require moral groundings on which the rites and rituals are formulated and performed by all the members of the society. The purpose of Islamic civilization is ‘Peace’ and ‘Tranquility’ for the humans in this world and in the Hereafter. Therefore, the characteristics of Islamic culture & civilization are; the oneness of God, brotherhood, justice & goodwell, respect, cleanliness, moral character and freedom. Islamic culture and civilization guarranttee success for the human being in this material world and in the life after death.

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