
Accumulating data about the impact of hTERT in astrocytic tumor carcinogenesis and recent evidence about its association with disease outcome prompt the evaluation of this molecule with methods applicable in routine pathology practice. In this study, we investigated hTERT protein expression with immunohistochemistry (IHC) and the NCL-hTERT antibody in 49 astrocytic tumors. Results were validated with the assessment of hTERT mRNA (relative quantification, identification of splice variants, in situ hybridization). Specific nuclear hTERT immunostaining patterns (IPs) were characterized as patterns As (single large dot) and Am (multiple dots) without nucleoplasm staining and pattern B (nucleoplasm staining with or without dots), corresponding to low and high relative hTERT expression values (P<0.0001). Low- and high-grade astrocytic tumors were found positive for hTERT in 74 and 85% of cases, respectively. Heterogeneity in the distribution of hTERT-positive cells was observed in all tumors. The prevailing nuclear IPs differed significantly between pilocytic astrocytomas (pattern As) and the rest of histologic types up to glioblastoma (patterns Am and B) (P<0.0001). The described nuclear IPs were also observed in non-neoplastic cells. Positive endothelial cells were found in astrocytic tumors of all grades, even when tumor cells showed no hTERT immunoreactivity. A subset of mature normal neurons was positive for hTERT (pattern As), suggesting a role for this molecule in neuronal maintenance in the adult brain. The nuclear hTERT IPs described here may reflect the functional status of non-neoplastic brain and neoplastic astrocytic cells and support the model of a continuum in the development of glioblastomas from diffuse fibrillary astrocytomas.

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