
Solar wind interactions with the Earth’s magnetosphere cause geomagnetic storms and thereby induce ionospheric storms. This study investigates the spatio-temporal evolution of the ionospheric Total Electron Content (TEC) during a moderate but long duration storm driven by solar wind high-speed streams (HSSs) and associated co-rotating interaction region (CIR) during 14-21 March 2016. The storm starts with a strong storm sudden commencement (SSC) with a peak close to 19 UT on 14 March 2016. The GNSS/TEC maps are obtained from the Madrigal database. The associated field-aligned currents (FACs) from AMPERE, ionospheric convection maps from SuperDARN, and the O/N2 ratio from TIMED/GUVI are also studied for understanding the physics behind the different features observed in TEC during the storm.The study predominantly focuses on the changes of TEC at high and middle latitudes. The storm induced changes in the TEC were extracted by removing the quiet time background (mean of five quietest days of the month) from the TEC maps. During the initial phase, TEC enhancements and depletions are found mainly at high latitudes within the auroral oval and close to the cusp, plausibly associated with auroral precipitation and variations in the upward and downward field-aligned currents (FACs). After the onset of the main phase, the TEC is enhanced at mid-latitudes and auroral ovals with a maximum of ~10 TECU. Meanwhile, a significant decrease in TEC is observed in the polar cap region. During the main phase, we observe the evolution of a storm-enhanced-density (SED) plume and a transient enhancement of TEC in the polar cap. Later during the storm, a strong TEC depletion at high and middle latitudes is found on the dayside and in the evening sector. The depletion of O/N2 ratio, triggered by Joule heating and atmospheric upwelling, could be a plausible reason for the TEC depletion. The possible physical mechanisms associated with the observed TEC variations will be discussed. 

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