
In this study, which focuses on the discipline of literary sociology, men and masculinities in the novels of Ihsan Oktay Anar were examined from a sociological perspective. Literary works are social products and it is essential to make sociological inferences by focusing on a literary genre in the studies carried out in the name of literature sociology. Literary texts are meant to convey meaning, not information. The main reason for choosing the novel genre for the study is that this genre is an important carrier of the meanings imposed on social life. Roma are important sources for understanding people's inner world. Novels for studying the images of masculinity built are favorable in that the men's world is a world that is not described and is not spoken too much. The world of the novel, designed by Ihsan Oktay Anar, is the world of men. The absence of female characters in their narratives, the fact that they have very faint roles even if they lead us to call this world men's world. Understanding and analyzing what kind of features the male characters in the novels of the author are constructed is valuable in terms of giving an idea for the identity of masculinity built in society. In this article, four novels of Ihsan Oktay Anar, published between 1995-2007; Puslu Kitalar Atlasi, Kitab-ul Hiyel, Amat and Suskunlar are considered as a tool to understand men's inner world. In the article, the identity of masculinity as a building process is revealed through feminist critical discourse analysis. The fact that men hide the contradiction in their lives with the anxiety of being “men”, and creating a world that is not spoken, is due to the fact that the acquired masculinity is on a slippery ground that can be lost at any time. With this concern, personal feelings can be hidden by most men, thus increasing the impact of hegemonic masculinity on identity building. Thus, the novels provide convenient sources for masculinity studies in order to shed light on the world of men. The fact that all of the main characters the author has edited in his novels have turned his texts into texts describing men's worlds.

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