
This paper aims to study Brazilian public management through HPTD-M (an abbreviation forthe Holopraxis Transdisciplinary Management theory). The excessive presence of analyticalmethod and bureaucratic rationality is a Brazilian bottleneck, as detected in this HPTD-Mapproach. Also in this article, the concept of transdisciplinarity is abbreviated (TD).The HPTD-M approach applied to the sustainable public management is based on theprinciples of duality, i.e., interaction and integration of opposites, especially the analyticaland synthetic methods, and four requirements, namely rationality, feasibility,reasonableness, and meaning. Besides, complexity can be transformed to simplicity throughdeep studies and discussions with all actors involved.The methodology to achieve the four requirements is derived from Jungian psychologicalfunctions: sensation, feeling, thinking, and intuition, respectively, which are translated intofour skills or intelligences, namely empirical, emotional, rational, and intuitive.Findings involve dialectics as a sustainable duality required to improve the managerialaspects of the public organizations in Brazil: The dialogue between specialists andgeneralists, analytical and synthetic methods, academics and executives, technicians andmanagers, and techno-bureaucrats and politicians through education and change inlegislation. In this context, the following are the four major groups of disciplines:technoscience, which involves technology and science; bureaucracy, which covers law andlegislation; psychology, which includes the behavior of all actors in public administration andtheir relationship; and politics, which involves dialogue and complete information tosubsidize higher instances decision, as opposed to political ideology or dogmatism.

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