
Fosfomycin can be used alone or in combination to treat methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection. However, fosfomycin resistance has been observed in MRSA. In S. aureus, fosfomycin resistance is mediated by the fosfomycin-modifying enzyme FosB, or mutations in the target enzyme MurA. Mutations in the chromosomal glpT and uhpT genes, which encode fosfomycin transporters, also result in fosfomycin resistance. The three-component regulatory system HptRSA mediates the expression of uhpT and glpT in S. aureus. This study aimed to investigate the role of hptRSA mutation in fosfomycin resistance in MRSA clinical isolates. We found that hptRSA mutations were common in MRSA strains isolated from our hospital. Most mutations were amino acid substitutions and widely distributed in fosfomycin-sensitive and fosfomycin-resistant strains. However, HptA-truncated mutations were only found in fosB-negative fosfomycin-resistant strains with wild-type uhpT and glpT genes. Quantitative real-time PCR results showed that the transcription level of uhpT decreased by 13.7-25.6-fold in the HptA-truncated strains. Concordantly, the fosfomycin minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of HptA-truncated strains was 64-128 μg/mL, while SA240 was 2 μg/mL. The low transcription level of uhpT and high increase in MIC suggest that hptA mutation may lead to fosfomycin resistance in MRSA. We complemented hptA in one of the HptA-truncated clinical strains (SA179), showing reversal of fosfomycin resistance (from 128 to 32 μg/mL). Then we knocked out hptA in S. aureus Newman; fosfomycin MIC increased from 4 to 64 μg/mL, suggesting that HptA mutation may play an important role in fosfomycin resistance.

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