
AbstractIn Archi, verbs and other clausal constituents agree with an absolutive argument. Attributive adjectives, demonstratives, and possessive pronouns agree with the head noun in the nominal domain. In Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) the former can be analysed as INDEX agreement and the latter as CONCORD agreement. However, data from Archi pose a variety of questions about how exactly they should be analysed. While any agreeing element must agree with an absolutive argument in the clausal domain, neither a constraint on ARG–ST lists nor a constraint on the features SUBJ (SUBJECT) and COMPS (COMPLEMENTS) can provide a satisfactory account of this agreement. This suggests that a constraint on syntactic structures is required. Data from Archi demonstrate that unexpressed absolutives must be represented at the relevant level of structure, contrary to much work in HPSG.

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