
Malicious programs, also known as malware, often use code obfuscation techniques to make static analysis more difficult and to evade signature-based detection. To resolve this problem, various behavioral detection techniques have been proposed that focus on the run-time behaviors of programs in order to dynamically detect malicious ones. Most of these techniques describe the run-time behavior of a program on the basis of its data flow and/or its system call traces. Recent work in behavioral malware detection has shown promise in using hardware performance counters (HPCs), which are a set of special-purpose registers built into modern processors providing detailed information about hardware and software events. In this paper, we pursue this line of research by presenting HPCMalHunter, a novel approach for real-time behavioral malware detection. HPCMalHunter uses HPCs to collect a set of event vectors from the beginning of a program's execution. It also uses the singular value decomposition (SVD) to reduce these event vectors and generate a behavioral vector for the program. By applying support vector machines (SVMs) to the feature vectors of different programs, it is able to identify malicious programs in real-time. Our results of experiments show that HPCMalHunter can detect malicious programs at the beginning of their execution with a high detection rate and a low false alarm rate.

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