
The High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP) was initiated in 1992 in response to congressional direction to modernize the Department of Defense (DoD) laboratories' high performance computing (HPC) capabilities. The HPCMP provides the supercomputer services, high-speed network communications, and computational science expertise that enables the Defense laboratories and test centers to conduct a wide range of focused research, development, and test activities. One of the primary missions of the HPCMP is to support analysis to include campaign level analysis in support of DoD Analytic Agenda. Campaign-level simulations such as JAS, STORM, EADSIM and AMP/MIDAS are utilized by Office of the Secretary of Defense (Program, Analysis and Evaluation) [OSD(PA&E)] Simulation and Analysis Center (SAC) and the study partners to support the DoD Analytic Agenda with force structure level analysis in accordance with the Defense Planning Program (DPP). Campaign-level analysis requires the sharing of data, a tremendous processing capability, and a quick turnaround postprocessing ability, in collaboration with study partners, to meet the requirements set forth by our DoD leadership. Study partners include OSD agencies (AT&L, DIA, MDA, DTRA, NRO, NSSO, etc.), Joint Staff/J8, Combatant Commands (COCOMs), and the service analysis agencies. With the capabilities of the HPC program, collaboration and sharing of data can be achieved. Processing and post-processing data from common servers significantly reduces the cost to DoD. The objective of this project is to provide OSD(PA&E) with HPC capabilities for conducting quick turnaround analysis and a forum for their study partners to share data and collaborate on analysis efforts in support of the DoD Analytic Agenda. An OSD(PA&E) Windows & Linux cluster has been established at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, Charleston (SPAWAR-Charleston) under a Terms of Reference agreement with the HPCMP. The processing power is the newest in technology for high-speed processing of multiple stochastic replications. The Joint Analysis System (JAS) simulation is the first simulation to be established on the cluster. This experiment affords use of many JAS scenarios, storage of data in a common Oracle database, fast processing of multiple simulations simultaneously, and quick processing of data. Collaboration is presently internal to PA&E offices in the Pentagon and Crystal City. The HPC Centers capability allows for nation wide collaboration between analytical agencies in support of the DoD Analytical Agenda.

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