
The origin of the mammalian middle ear ossicles from mandibular and hyoid pharyngeal arches remains controversial and discussed. Two adverse theories are proposed. The first claims that malleus and incus derive from the Meckel's cartilage of the mandibular arch, and stapes from Reichert's cartilage of the hyoid arch. The second postulates that handle of malleus and long process of the incus are derived from the second arch as well as the stapes. Contradictory analyses support alternatively each theory without any experimental evidence. In order to bring new data, we analyzed by immunohistochemistry the expression of Hox-A2 protein in ossicular anlagen in E11 to 13 mouse embryos. HOXA2 gene is known to be expressed in second arch cells and to be absent from mandibular arch derivatives. Surprisingly, Hox-A2 protein was present in all ossicular primordia, as well in Reichert's cartilage. Meckel's cartilage was free of staining. Unlabeled cells were also present in ossicular blastemata. These results suggest that ossicular condensations could arise from mixed cell populations originated in both mandibular and hyoid pharyngeal arches. However, we cannot exclude that diffuse Hox-A2 immunoreactivity could correspond to a secondary expression in craniofacial mesenchyme independently from the branchial origin of cells.

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