
Even the third industrial revolution has never been officially finished, from some time an expression Fourth Industrial revolutiongot viral. It has started in 2011 with a project of German government, called Industrie 4.0, which was initiated during the HanoverExpo in 2012. In 2013 an official report on that project was issued.The article explains the term of 4th industrial revolution and tries to foresee influence of that phenomena on extraction industry.The big challenge of digitalization and cybernetic systems implementation carries a large saving potential, estimated to astonishing321 Bio. USD till 2025 but also risks and challenges to overcome. Discussion in the paper includes the most important technologieswith their state of development and existing implementations including autonomous machines in both underground and open pitmining, technology of self-operating drilling rigs and driverless trucks in open pits.Briefly description of current situation and a picture of the mining industry after extended automatization is presented. It touchesalso the challenges of the new industry concept and highlights a road map for the full digital mine.

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