
Moisture in walls provides a key control on decay processes, but has proved difficult to measure. As part of a larger study investigating the ability of soft wall capping (soil and vegetation) to help conserve ruined monuments we have investigated moisture contents of walls at two ruined abbeys. Two methods of moisture measurement were used, i.e. a novel adaptation of 2D electrical resistivity surveys and the well-established wooden dowel method. Medical ECG electrodes were utilised to provide a completely non-destructive resistivity measurement. At Hailes Abbey wooden dowel and 2D resistivity measurements were made of soft capped vs. uncapped wall sections. The wooden dowels showed drier conditions in the core of the capped sections, although the resistivity surveys were influenced by a different stone structure in the wall core. At Byland Abbey, resistivity surveys indicated drier stone blocks and wetter mortar in the near-surface zone, and illustrated the success of the soft-capping technique in reducing water contents in the core of the wall in comparison with hard-capping with mortar. The 2D resistivity technique is shown to be a useful and fast non-destructive technique with the capacity to provide good spatial and temporal resolution information on moisture distribution in walls.

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