
A special form of macroreentrant atrial tachycardia (MRAT), due to reentrant activation around surgical scars, can occur in patients after cardiac surgery. Scar MRAT occurs usually after correction of congenital defects, such as atrial or ventricular septal defects, and especially after Mustard, Senning or Fontan procedures, but it can occur also after myxoma, valvular or coronary bypass surgery. The simplest form of scar MRAT is reentry around a lateral right atrial surgical scar. A basic mapping array with multiple simultaneous recordings from the anterior and septal right atrium is very useful to make the electrophysiological diagnosis. A line of double electrograms can be mapped in the centre of the circuit and a fragmented electrogram usually marks the pivoting point between the inferior end of the scar and the inferior vena cava (IVC). Extension of the scar toward the closest fixed obstacle, usually the IVC, by means of radiofrequency ablation, can interrupt the tachycardia and make it non-inducible. Typical atrial flutter usually coexists with scar MRAT and flutter isthmus ablation is probably indicated in all cases. In patients having undergone baffle atrial surgery it can be impossible to map the whole circuit and entrainment-mapping is helpful to localize critical isthmuses in the circuit. After the Fontan operation the right atrium can be severely dilated and scarred, and multiple, complex reentry circuits can be found. Left atrial MRAT based on large areas of scar has been described, but there is still too little experience with these to propose general rules for diagnosis and management.

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