
Aras free trade zone has a great potential in tourism industry development because of having specific economic situation, placement in zero boundary point, climate and natural varieties, various cultural-historical, natural, sport, industrial, and geographical tourism attractions along with commercial transactions with European countries and transit road to the northwest of the country. The existence of communicative infrastructures and having national electricity, water, gas, and telephone network, access paths quality have provided proper conditions to utilize this zone in tourism industry relatively. Nonetheless, lack of welfare-service facilities and tourism recreational designs are the facing problems of this industry in Aras free zone. Therefore, features of this environment that can be effective based on the adapted designing principles with cultural and native elements were studied with sustainable architecture approach and considering sustainable development bases in rural areas, introduction of the present conditions regarding to the feasibility studies and identification of disadvantages and defects for tourism necessities in zone using natural present facilities in definition of application and identification of the present defects in space definition.

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