
AbstractThe pathway between leadership intentions and results does not always unfold according to what you want, desire, or expect. As authors Hunter and Powell explain, “unconscious autopilot, blind spots, reactive emotions, or outworn mental models can divert your aim and set in motion a domino effect of inadequate choices, actions, and results.” As a remedy, they introduce the “Intention‐Results Map,” which defines interim steps that include Attention, Perception, Choices, and Actions. Applications of the map are illustrated through the story of “George,” a high‐profile financial advisor who struggles with a difficult client. Figures with questions for each step in the Intention‐Results Map provide practical guidance for readers. Together, the authors, Jeremy Hunter, a professor at the Peter F. Drucker Graduate School of Management, Claremont Graduate University, and Lili Powell, a professor at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business and School of Nursing, regularly share the Intention‐Results Map in their courses and programs to help participants breakdown and implement mindful leadership.

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