
COME MIGLIORARE IL PENSIERO CRITICO NELL’APPRENDIMENTO DELLA FISICA? UNA REVISIONE SISTEMATICA DELLA LETTERATURA Abstract Critical thinking skills are essential skills needed in the 21st century. Critical thinking skills can be trained in students through student-centered learning. Through a literature review, this research aims to determine learning models that can improve critical thinking skills in physics. Data collection was based on Scopus and Google Scholar database sources. This type of document comes from journal articles with the keywords «critical thinking», «learning models», and «physics learning» from the years (2011-2021). The literature review used procedures adapted from PRISMA. Documents published are based on predetermined content analysis criteria, including year of publication, author, article source, learning model, physics material topic, research subject, education level, and assessment. Inquiry learning and the higher-order thinking laboratory (HOT Lab) dominate the learning models used to improve critical thinking skills. The critical skills indicators used vary. Indicators of critical thinking skills. Self-regulated learning is rarely used in research instruments compared to other indicators of critical thinking skills. The instruments used are multiple-choice, essays, worksheets, and observation sheets. Research respondents at the university level are often used in studies of critical thinking skills. Fluid mechanics is a topic that is often used in research. This research contributes to improving students’ critical thinking skills through various recommended learning models. Research findings show that student-centered learning models can improve critical thinking skills.

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