
~ n three earlier articles in Tech Trends, we provided advice to instructional technology researchers on three related subjects: designing and conducting research (Ross & Morrison, 1992), preparing a research proposal for AECT (Morrison & Ross, 1991), and making effective presentations at conventions (Ross & Morrison, 1991). In this final article in the series, we will address what for most researchers represents the culmination of their efforts--publishing their study in a professional journal. Although the expression "publish or perish" has now become a clich6 in academic circles, the importance of its message to faculty who desire to advance at their colleges or universities (and certainly in their disciplines) remains as strong as ever. For graduate students desiring to obtain an academic or research position, publications can provide that extra edge that sets their credentials apart from those of other candidates. But, even for those whose career success does not depend at all on publishing, there are considerable personal rewards of seeing one's work appear in print. (We keep reminding ourselves that those rewards really exist, as we work to complete this article!) Although most researchers would like very much to publish their work, the problem for new authors is breaking the ice by submitting their first manuscript to a joumal. Some are plagued by a lack of confidence and fear of having an article rejected. These individuals spend considerable time "planning" to publish, but like Scarlett O'Hara, continually put the actual task off until a "tomorrow" that never comes. For others, it is not knowing how to publish with regard to writing style and the selection of an appropriate journal. These individuals are willing to make a try, but often experience disap-

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