
Transferability is commonly identified as a quality criterion for qualitative research. This criterion was introduced by Lincoln and Guba to describe the degree to which a study's findings can be transferred to other contexts, settings or respondents. In this How To paper, we present a more nuanced, multidimensional view of transferability and explain relevant concepts, reflexive approaches and specific techniques to guide researchers in discussing transferability. We identify three dimensions of transferability for use in many approaches to qualitative research: applicability, resonance and theoretical engagement. Transferability as applicability relates to providing sufficient information for readers to evaluate the relevance of findings to other contexts. Transferability as resonance requires the researcher to present the research in a way that evokes a sense of familiarity or shared experience. Transferability as theoretical engagement refers to ways the researcher uses theory to frame a problem, connects findings to existing constructs and/or proposes a model or theory that could explain a process or phenomenon. We encourage researchers to consider all three dimensions of transferability when developing and presenting their work, keeping in mind that some dimensions may be more relevant than others based on study methodology and project goals.

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