
Mauser and coworkers discussed in a series of papers an ansatz how to split the Dirac equation and the wave function appearing therein into a part related to a free moving electron and another part related to a free moving positron. This ansatz includes an expansion of these quantities into orders of the reciprocal of the speed of light epsilon = 1/c. In particular, in Mauser (VLSI Design 9:415, 1999) it is discussed how to apply this expansion up to the second order in the reciprocal of the speed of light epsilon . As an expansion of this analysis, we show in this work how all three well-known terms that appear in an expansion of the Dirac equation in second order on the reciprocal of the speed of light, namely, a relativistic correction to the kinetic energy, the Darwin term, and the spin-orbit interaction, can be found using the ansatz of Mauser—and doing so, we close a gap between this ansatz to approximate the Dirac equation and other approximative results found using the Foldy–Wouthuysen transformation.

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