
This study surveyed related literatures regarding social marketing, prosocial behavior, and helping behavior to classify four types of social behavior (altruism, compensatory, reciprocity, and egoism) by two dimensions: (1) who are the welfare appealed, (2) the level of restitution intention. Furthermore, this study constructed a social behavior model for social marketing and utilized two social issues—“Bag-Taking” and “Blood Donation” to test the social behavior model. The empirical conclusions are as follow: social behavior could be directed and positively affected by actual control factors (external objective factor) and social behavior intention (personal subjective tendency); social behavior intention could be directed and positively affected by actual control factors and social behavior motivations (including relieving personal distress and evoking empathy); the social behavior motivations (internal emotion response) could be directed and positively affected by social norms (external pressure) and personal norms (individual perception of norms); the personal norms and economic evaluation could be directed and positively affected by social norms (external pressure). Finally, this study submits marketing implications to academic professionals and industrial practitioners.

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