
Step-selection models are widely used to study animals' fine-scale habitat selection based on movement data. Resource preferences and movement patterns, however, often depend on the animal's unobserved behavioral states, such as resting or foraging. As this is ignored in standard (integrated) step-selection analyses (SSA, iSSA), different approaches have emerged to account for such states in the analysis. The performance of these approaches and the consequences of ignoring the states in step-selection analysis, however, have rarely been quantified. We evaluate the recent idea of combining iSSAs with hidden Markov models (HMMs), which allows for a joint estimation of the unobserved behavioral states and the associated state-dependent habitat selection. Besides theoretical considerations, we use an extensive simulation study and a case study on fine-scale interactions of simultaneously tracked bank voles (Myodes glareolus) to compare this HMM-iSSA empirically to both the standard and a widely used classification-based iSSA (i.e., a two-step approach based on a separate prior state classification). Moreover, to facilitate its use, we implemented the basic HMM-iSSA approach in the R package HMMiSSA available on GitHub.

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