
The paper dwells upon how the parameters of an agricultural machine and tractor unit (MTU) affect the wear rate of the liner in the main bearing of a YaMZ-238ND5 diesel engine. The operating parameter in use is the MTU travel speed, while the design parameter used is the suspension stiffness. Transport-mode linear wear rates have been determined in association with ascent resistance, MTU inertial forces, MTU suspension vibrations in the longitudinal vertical plane, mechanical losses in the friction pairs, as well as the total loss for various suspension stiffness values. Although an MTU is used for transport only for short periods of time, such usage is energy-intensive; it consumes considerable power and causes faster wear of the friction pairs in a diesel engine. Experimentally obtained frequency response of the volumetric wear rate of friction pairs shows the service life of a diesel engine strongly correlated with the energy consumption. At higher travel speeds, more motor oil is pumped through the friction pairs; this results in burning more oil as well as in a slower wear of the friction pairs. In such cases, the dynamic component of the wear rate becomes lower while the regular component rises. The most significant dynamic wear is associated with the ascent resistance as well as with the suspension vibrations in the longitudinal vertical plane.

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