
Abstract In the light of the current pandemic, the labour market has suffered many changes: from the typical 9 to 5 job done from the office, to the accommodation to a work from home type of job. Even if we speak about the employer or the employee, the situation brought many difficulties regarding how the social security system can help each one. In this paper the main focus will be on the impact of the pandemic regarding the labour market with a strong accent on the unemployment benefits and the statistics regarding the immigrants. We tend to see an increase of the number of unemployed people and a tendency for the immigrants to move back to their home countries. This is a natural response of the labour market regarding the pandemic. The paper aims to investigate the unemployment rate-unemployment benefits-immigration flows in the EU countries in 2020 when the pandemic erupted compared to the previous periods. Therefore, we aim to emphasize the main changes that took place because of the pandemic crisis.

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