
About the Author Introduction What Do We Mean by Gifted and Talented? Gifted and Talented Programs in Today's Schools Organization of This Book A Word About Elitism 1. Brain Structure and Learning Basic Brain Structures Learning and Memory Stages and Types of Memory Retention 2. What Is a Gifted Brain? Theories of Intelligence and Giftedness Psychological Characteristics of Giftedness Effect of Nurture on Intelligence Social and Emotional Characteristics of Giftedness Gender Differences Impact of Praise on Gifted Students 3. Challenging the Gifted Brain Differentiated Curriculum and Learning A Supportive Learning Environment Curriculum Content Initiative for Gifted Learners Instructional Processes for Gifted Learners The Products of Gifted Learners Gifted Visual-Spatial Learners Avoiding the Pitfall of Academics Versus the Arts 4. Language Talent Sources of Language Ability Identifying Students Gifted in Language Arts 5. Mathematical Talent Mathematical Thinking and the Brain Identifying the Mathematically Gifted Teaching the Mathematically Gifted 6. Musical Talent Why Are Humans Musical? What Is Musical Talent? Reading and Memorizing Music Developing Musically Talented Students 7. Underachieving Gifted Students What Is Underachievement? Some Causes of Underachievement Identifying Gifted Underachievers Underachievement Among Gifted Minority Students Reversing Patterns of Underachievement 8. The Twice-Exceptional Brain Identifying Twice-Exceptional Students Giftedness and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Giftedness and Autism Savant Syndrome Hyperlexia 9. Putting It All Together Identifying Gifted Students Developing and Learning Environment Strategies for the Gifted in the Inclusive Classroom Where Do We Go From Here? Conclusion Glossary References Resources Index

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