
Since the outbreak of Sino-US trade disputes in 2018, the game between China and the US has gradually changed from the field of trade to the field of science and technology. At the same time, with the global spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, global technological nationalism has risen rapidly and is spreading. In the context of most countries advocating localization and strategic autonomy of global supply chains, Part of countries have taken opposite measures. They use technological containment as their main means. Linking supply chains to national security. As an excuse to impose sanctions on China or cut off its supply chain to the semiconductor industry. Resulting in technological decoupling between China and the United States. It also affects the global production and supply chain layout of multinational companies. Therefore, this paper will take the semiconductor industry, the most representative in the global value chain, as a starting point to analyze how the United States, driven by the trend of technological nationalism, affects the technological decoupling between China and the United States.

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