
The article provides a critical analysis of the two maps that were included in the ‘Deal of the Century’ (DoC) which delineates the territory of the so-called ‘State of Palestine’. It examines in detail the proposed new partitioning of historic Palestine among Israelis and Palestinians and defines rules and constraints over who will be living where and aspects of mobility in the area between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea. The paper argues that territorial injustice has been done to the local Palestinian residents and the West Bank. Should the DoC be implemented, the so-called ‘State of Palestine’ as envisioned will be fragmented into three main enclaves and smaller ones and turned into a landlocked state. These enclaves will be connected with each other via bridges and tunnels. The entire area of historic Palestine west of the Jordan River will be placed under Israeli control, leaving the ‘State of Palestine’ without any type of basic sovereignty. It is argued that this will not end the Israeli–Palestinian conflict but will escalate it for many years to come.

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