
Presence is often used to evaluate Virtual Reality (VR) applications. However, the raw scores are hard to interpret and need to be compared to other data to be meaningful. This paper leverages a database of 1909 responses to the Igroup Presence Questionnaire (IPQ) in different contexts to put forward a scale that qualitatively interprets raw Presence scores for VR experiences. The qualitative grading encompasses the acceptability dimension and analogous academic grading scales ranging from A to F and the adjective of such scores in a scale from Excellent to Unacceptable. Furthermore, the qualitative grading system encompasses Presence and its subscales Spatial Presence, Involvement, and Experienced Realism as defined by the IPQ. Adopting this grading system, supported by a robust dataset of Presence scores, enables practitioners to evaluate and interpret individual IPQ scores, allowing them to gain insights regarding the evaluated applications’ effectiveness.

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