
The following result is well-known for finite projective spaces. The smallest cardinality of a set of points of PG(n, q) with the property that every s-subspace has a point in the set is (qn+1-s - 1)/(q - 1). We solve in finite projective spaces PG(n, q) the following problem. Given integers s and b with 0 ≤ s ≤ n - 1 and 1 ≤ b ≤ (qn+1-s - 1)/(q - 1), what is the smallest number of s-subspaces that must miss a set of b points. If d is the smallest integer such that b ≤ (qd+1 - 1)/(q - 1), then we shall see that the smallest number is obtained only when the b points generate a subspace of dimension d. We then also determine the smallest number of s-subspaces that must miss a set of b points of PG(n, q) which do not lie together in a subspace of dimension d. The results are obtained by geometrical and combinatorial arguments that rely on a strong algebraic result for projective planes by T. Szőnyi and Z. Weiner.

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