
Papua New Guinea, Pacific Island nations, and Timor-Leste represent a range of island nations with populations ranging from a few thousand to 8 million. They perform on average about 25% of the Lancet Commission of Global Surgery's target 5000 per 100 000 population and their health workforce have significant deficits of trained surgeons and anaesthetists. This study was conducted to determine how the current national health plans of these nations have included surgery and anaesthesia. The most recent (as of December 2018) published national health plans of 10 Pacific Island nations (Cook Islands, Fiji, Nauru, Federated States of Micronesia, Kiribati, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu), Papua New Guinea and Timor-Leste were reviewed for content and process, searching for key words and identifying themes related to surgery and anaesthesia. There were 12 national health plans with a combined total of 478 pages. There was limited surgical and/or anaesthesia input within the planning process. Injuries, blindness, cancer and non-communicable diseases were included themes, but the potential role of surgical care in addressing these conditions was not well documented. The need for better information and registries was noted by several nations but possible surgical care delivery or outcome metrics were not included. There is limited mention of surgical and anaesthesia care planning within current health plans in the Pacific, PNG and TL. There is a need for greater surgical and anaesthesia engagement in future plans with performance measured against World Health Organization core surgical indicators.

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