
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the independent board of commissioners, managerial ownership, capital structure and profitability on company value, both partially and simultaneously. The sample in this study were 25 Consumer Goods Industries that were listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013-2016. Purposive sampling method was used with certain criteria. In order to analyze the collected data, descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis were used. The results of this study indicate that partially the independent board of commissioners and capital structure do not affect the value of the company, managerial ownership and profitability affect the value of the company. While simultaneously the independent board of commissioners, managerial ownership, capital structure and profitability affect the company value. This is because managers are successful in managing their business well. So the company can compete with other companies and gain maximum profit for the company. Future studies are expected to be able to use different variables or add to the proxy of Good Corporate Governance such as the audit committee, institutional ownership and so on.
 Keywords: Company Value, Independent Commissioners, Managerial Ownership, Capital Structure and Profitability.

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