
ABSTRACTAfter the introduction of white‐nose syndrome (WNS) to the United States in 2006, managing agencies were quick to implement multiple interventions to prevent the spread of the disease and protect vulnerable cave‐roosting bat populations. One key agency that has dealt with the spread of WNS is the National Park Service (NPS), which has implemented screening and decontamination procedures in caves and adapted educational programs to emphasize the impact of WNS on bats and the ecosystem services they provide. However, despite the close connection NPS has with the public, few studies have focused on the social consequences of rapidly changing cave management plans in response to WNS spread. The primary goal of our study was to understand how WNS has changed bat and cave management in areas managed by NPS and key stakeholder perceptions of these changes. We explored federal and state land managers’ and caving organization leaders’ perceptions towards, and experiences with, bat and cave management at caves managed by the NPS through 15 key informant interviews. Respondents reacted positively to the NPS's use of park‐specific management plans, which they believed successfully balanced the conservation and recreation objectives of the show caves. Additionally, informants agreed on the management challenges NPS currently faces, including a paucity of knowledge about bat populations within the parks, a need for additional resources to effectively manage WNS, and the need to reach more visitors with information on WNS. However, respondents were divided on the effectiveness of the federal government's handling of the spread of WNS, as some caver informants believed that certain approaches were heavy‐handed and placed a burden on those who frequently visit caves for recreation and research. Understanding how WNS has shaped cave management in national parks is crucial for enhancing park visitor experiences and support for bat conservation. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.

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