
The Geumcheon Gang house became a prominent local force when the father of Gang Gam-chan’s great-great grandfather came to Geumju. Gang’s father Gung-jin was named ‘Meritorious vassal’ for his contribution to the foundation of Goryeo and Reunification of the country.BR Gang was born as a son of a local gentry(“Hojok”), but soon became an official serving the central government, by successfully applying to the competitive dynastic examination. In the 9th and 10th centuries, there were many local lords with basic training in history and classic texts(“經史”), and not to mention administrative figures with literary talents under their command. From youth they learned how to read and write, and later either developed martial expertise or administrative abilities or became Confucian scholars and Buddhist priests. Gang Gam-chan was one of such examples who were successful in riding this sort of social trend.BR When Gang Gam-chan served the government, Hyeonjong’s leadership was strong. The officials did not have any strong internal unity, and clashes between ideas to fight Khitan or not remained as strategic options instead of escalating to conflicts. Relationship with the king was the most important thing for the advancement in an official’s career. Gang was renowned for his Confucian capability, suggested the renovation of the Sajik-dan/社稷壇 altar, and earned the king’ s trust by proposing the king’s southern trip and defeating the Khitan forces as Supreme commander.

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