
Review Question/Objective The overall objective of this systematic review is to synthesize the best available evidence on how families and health care practitioners experience family presence during resuscitation and invasive procedures. The setting will be limited to resuscitation and invasive procedures that take place in institutional environments. More specifically, the two review questions for this review are: • How do family members describe their experience of being present during a family member’s resuscitation or invasive procedure? • How do health care practitioners describe their experience with family members being present during resuscitation or invasive procedure? Types of Participants This review will consider family members and health care practitioners who have experienced the phenomena of family presence during resuscitation or invasive procedures. For the purposes of this review family members will be defined as direct family members or significant others identified as family. Phenomena of interest The phenomenon of interest consists of family member and health care practitioners who have experienced the phenomena of family presence during resuscitation or invasive procedures Context: The context for families is family members who experienced the phenomena of interest based on their presence during resuscitation or invasive procedure of a family member in an institutional setting.The context for health practitioners is health care professionals who experienced the presence of family members during resuscitation or invasive procedures in an institutional setting.

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