
The timing of screening for SARS-CoV-2 preoperatively by RT-PCR/CBNAAT, isolation protocols in preoperative wards, operation theatres, and postoperative wards are not well established. Evaluating the effectiveness of maintaining three pathways of two COVID-19 negative pathways (1) immediate testing pathway (2) isolation, or quarantine for five days and testing prior to surgery pathway, and (3) the tested COVID-19-positive pathway, was the aim of the study. The primary objective was to assess the utility and outcome of the two COVID-19 negative pathways adopted before surgery in terms of infectivity (seroconversion; COVID-19 positivity rate before surgery and symptomatic COVID-19 disease after surgery). The secondary objective was to derive a practical protocol for isolation or quarantine for emergency and elective surgery. Enrolled patients were grouped based on the need for surgery; Group-1 emergency basis, Group-2 urgent basis, and Group-3 COVID-19 positive and the three channels were kept separate with separate dedicated healthcare staff for each channel. There were 199 (4.56%) COVID-19-positive patients, of whom 80 (40%) were operated. COVID-19 positivity rate was low in Group 2 (3% vs. Group 1, 11%). There was no seroconversion from negative to positive in our patients during the peri-operative period. COVID-19 positivity rate in Group-2 was significantly less. None of the COVID-19-negative patients turned symptomatic and the probability of seroconversion from COVID-19-negative was less during the peri-operative period. The isolation protocol of non-COVID-19 positive patients with the separate channel is effective.

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