
As a psychological resource of individuals, trait mindfulness is valuable in facilitating individuals to maintain attention intensity, increase efficiency, and alleviate stress and depression. It can also buffer against the risk factors of addictive behaviors. However, applied research combining trait mindfulness and smartphone addiction with the use of psychological resources is relatively scarce and needs further examination. We constructed a moderated mediation model based on compensatory Internet use and conservation of resources theory (OCR) to examine the effects of social anxiety on adolescent smartphone addiction and to describe how trait mindfulness "works" and "in what contexts it works better". We analyzed 1570 adolescent subjects through a multistage stratified sampling method. Our findings revealed that social anxiety positively predicted smartphone addiction, while trait mindfulness was negatively associated with it. Furthermore, trait mindfulness mitigated smartphone addiction by reducing social anxiety, suggesting a mediating effect of social anxiety on this relationship. Meanwhile, the mediating effect was more pronounced among adolescents with left-behind experience; we found that left-behind experience partially moderated the relationship between social anxiety and smartphone addiction. Adolescents with left-behind experience had more significant compensatory media use with a higher risk of smartphone addiction. This study highlights the potential protective role of trait mindfulness in the development and maintenance of adolescent smartphone addiction. It provides empirical support for applying resource conservation theory and stress buffering theory in this context.

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