
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze in a comprehensive way the relationship between the business and the factors of government, money, business environment, and information technology. Theoretical framework: Sustainable entrepreneurship is crucial to achieving the SDGs, not just in terms of economic growth but also in terms of achieving social and environmental goals. Design/methodology/approach: This study employs a quantitative approach, with the population under investigation consisting of all micro and small businesses in Parepare, Indonesia, or 1000 units of businesses. and collect data by using the probability sample method with the basic random sampling technique on 286 business owners. The data collection technique employs a previously developed angket penelitian based on research variable indicators that have been validated and shown to be reliable. Method of data analysis using SEM Amos 21. Result and Conclusion: The study's findings indicate that: (1) Government support—including funding, infrastructure provision, partnerships, business information, and business licensing—greatly influences sustainable entrepreneurship; (2) Financial factors—particularly those derived from personal funds and bank credit—are more significant in determining sustainable entrepreneurship; (3) the business environment, which is influenced by raw material availability, labor availability, business competition, and transportation—greatly influences sustainable entrepreneurship; and (4) the use of information technology in business management—greatly influences sustainable entrepreneurship. Research implication: The findings of this study have the potential to increase understanding in the field of entrepreneurship, particularly in relation to the factors that contribute to small-scale and sustainable entrepreneurship. They can also serve as a resource for scholars who will be researching related issues and the government when formulating policies aimed at fostering the growth of SMEs. Originality/value: This analysis focuses on sustainable entrepreneurship, even though it has already been conducted in developing countries. However, there aren't many studies that analyze the complex relationship between sustainable entrepreneurship and the factors that influence it, such as the government, the economy, the business environment, and information technology.

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