
Background: Covid-19 virus infection is a pandemic disease. Incidence of COVID-19 infection in children and neonates is less than adults. Neonates may be contaminated by close contact with the infected family members or environment. However, infection via transplacental transmission and breast feeding has not been proved yet. Hospitals face shortages of resources in the outbreaks. This becomes more important in underdeveloped countries. Methods: We have studied the neonates who underwent surgical interventions in emergent or urgent conditions. No specific protection measures were applied in the operating room and neonatal intensive care unit for patients without symptoms or positive history of contact, in an attempt to save the resources of the hospital. All the neonates and their families were followed up for two weeks. Results: Forty patients and their families were studied. At admission, our patients neither demonstrated symptoms of the disease nor gave positive history of contact, hence received surgical intervention in the ordinary protection. One patient suffered from respiratory problems in the post-operative period and tested positive for the Covid-19 infection. Six patients and Five family members became symptomatic during the follow-up. All of them tested negative for the diseases and recovered. Conclusion: Based on the results of our study, surgical interventions for the critical neonates without positive symptoms or history neither should be postponed nor be necessarily dependent on the application of the corona specific personal protection. This gains most significance in the peak of outbreak, especially in underdeveloped countries.

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