
Fever occurs typically when a virus or bacteria invades the body. Fever is certainly the most common systemic manifestation of the inflammatory response. The ultimate regulators of body temperature are the thermoregulatory centers in the hypothalamus They are subject to physical and chemical stimuli. Direct mechanical injury or the application of chemical substances to these centers results in fever. “Dengue is a mosquito-borne virus fever caused by a flavivirus. The disease was known as” Dandy Fever” or “Break bone fever”. Dengue is called “Poor man’s disease. Yellow fever is a mosquito borne acute febrile illness. It does not exist in India due to strict vigilance on vaccination and quarantine for travel from endemic areas. Marburg and Ebola viruses cause high fever, with bleeding into skin, and from the nose, gastrointestinal tract, and genitourinary tract; Thrombocytopenia and marked toxicity often leading to shock and death. Lassa virus is extremely virulent. The disease is characterized by high fever, mouth ulcers, skin rash with hemorrhages, pneumonia. St. Louis Virus, Coronavirus, Orthomyxovirus, Parainfluenza Virus and Measles Viruses also produce fever. Chikungunya, O’nyong-nyong Viruses, West Nile, Rift valley, Kyasanur forest disease fever, Omsk hemorrhagic fever, Colorado tick fever, Sandfly fever are also the viruses associated with pyrexia

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