
This paper investigates three questions: (i) What is the structure of the nucleon anomalous magnetic moments in the chirally symmetric, renormalizable σ + ω model? (ii) Is the usual assumption of pion-current dominance (no nucleon recoil) justified in field-theoretic models? (iii) How does the presence of symmetric, infinite nuclear matter at normal density affect the anomalous moments? In answer to (i) it is found that the sigma and omega mesons play an important role in restoring the balance in isoscalar and isovector moments for isolated nucleons. The answer to (ii) is “no”. A rough calculation of the effect of nuclear matter yields, for the effective moment of a particle near the top of the Fermi sea, k p(eff) ∼-1.5 nm, k p(eff) ∼- −2.2 nm.

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