
In the ear of globalization, it becomes imperative to know where we stand, as a country, in the world. The survival in the global jungle lies in keeping constant eye in position of one country with rest of the world. Relative position of the country in the world can be measured in terms of national income, per capita income, investment, human development etc. Various indices are available to compare the relative position of one country with rest of the world. Global Competitiveness Report release by World Economic Forum is an important document that gives an idea about the status of country with respect to other countries of the world. The Global Competitiveness Report continues to be a highly respected assessment of national competitiveness. Along with the details about competitiveness of country measured across more than 114 indicators grouped in to 12 pillars viz. Institutions, Infrastructure, Macroeconomic environment, Health and primary education, Higher education and training, Goods market efficiency, Labor market efficiency, Financial market development, Technological readiness, Market size, Business sophistication, and Innovation, report also covers the Executive Opinion Survey to know more about the perception of business leaders across 148 countries. Present study focuses on the status of India in global competitiveness with special focus on the comparison with other Asian economics like China, Bangladesh and Pakistan. This kind of study will be of great help in understanding the position of India in global context. We can build over the strong areas to take competitive advantage and weak areas can be identified to improve the competitiveness of the country. It will also help the policy makers to select focus areas in order to leverage in globalized areas.

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