
Adulteration and fraud are amongst the wrong practices followed nowadays due to the attitude of some people to gain more money or their tendency to mislead consumers. Obviously, the industry follows stringent controls and methodologies in order to protect consumers as well as the origin of the food products, and investment in these technologies is highly critical. In this context, chemometric techniques proved to be very efficient in detecting and even quantifying the number of substances used as adulterants. The extraction of relevant information from different kinds of data is a crucial feature to achieve this aim. However, these techniques are not always used properly. In fact, training is important along with investment in these technologies in order to cope effectively and not only reduce fraud but also advertise the geographical origin of the various food and drink products. The aim of this paper is to present an overview of the different chemometric techniques (from clustering to classification and regression applied to several analytical data) along with spectroscopy, chromatography, electrochemical sensors, and other on-site detection devices in the battle against milk adulteration. Moreover, the steps which should be followed to develop a chemometric model to face adulteration issues are carefully presented with the required critical discussion.

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