
In addition to the Charter for African Cultural Renaissance, many of the normative instruments of the African Union (AU) underline the importance of traditional African values. Through its policy documents, action plans and charters, the AU expressly points to the centrality of traditional African values in the attainment of organisational objectives and goals. These include instruments on human rights, women, youth, elections and democracy, economic development and general regional integration. This acknowledgement raises two critical questions. The first relates to the level of implementation of this ideal by member states, and the second is the extent to which the AU provides an effective coordinating platform for the promotion of traditional African values. These two interrelated enquiries lie at the heart of understanding how the AU can play an essential role in the promotion of traditional African values. This article intends to home in on the institutional perspective of promoting traditional African values through transnational mechanisms. The central argument is that AU member states should demonstrate the necessary political will to strengthen African Union institutions to be able to effectively coordinate and implement efforts aimed at channelling traditional African values into development efforts at both the national and transnational levels.

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