
Our current education system is not going well. It is not producing quality education and capable citizens. It is sick at all levels whether its primary, secondary or higher educational level. It has many serious problems which need to be solved as soon as possible for a better education system. It has many issues like - lack of discipline, low concentration power in students, lack of dedication in teachers, high fee charges, corrupt practices, rote learning, theoretical curriculum, boring teaching methods, no personality or character development, pen-paper based evaluation system, no scope for creativity or vocational training, etc. etc. If order to make our modern education system better, more relevant and efficient we need to look at our past. Our ancient historical time period has all the solutions for our modern day problems. We should revive our vedic period’s Gurukula education system. Gurukuls were based on “simple living, high thinking” principle. If we revive some ideals of our Gurukula education system, our whole education system will witness a revolution. This new revolution will be so impactful that it can remove all the current shortcomings in our education system. This article will focus on the need of revivaling the Gurukula system. It will also try to suggest some possible ways to implement Vedic ideals in current education system. Vedic educational ideals are the only hope to save our education system by degrading. They will make our education more practical and valuable.

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