
We all know how COVID-19 has affected the hospitality industry. Right now, the industry is suffering with not only job loss, but also trying hard to understand, what will help in bringing the customers back. While the restaurants have started operations and are heavily relying on delivery, the overall footfall has been severely reduced. Hotels on the other hand in order to grab some or little business in order to keep afloat had turned in to quarantine paid facilities, that had little or no takers because of the changing govt policies. While the hospitality industry reals under little or no demand, Hotel managers have been adopting COVID-19 safety protocols that instead of bringing in business has only increased operational costs. It becomes imperative then, that the hotels need to reduce operational costs. long term Sustainable practices can help hotels in doing just that. In this article we shall discuss how some of the best sustainable digital/mechanical practices and integration of technology can help hotels reduce operational costs, thus sustain through these troublesome times. While the suggestion that the author makes are solely based on practical aspects, hotels need to calculate their changeover costs to apply the strategies, accordingly as the saying goes ‘same size doesn’t fit all’.

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