
The occupational history is often neglected in the routine evaluation of new patients with asthma, chronic rhinitis or dermatologic complaints. Such omissions are inadvertent because work related conditions are often not prioritized. There also may be lack of awareness of the scope of respiratory or cutaneous allergens capable of inducing occupational asthma (OA) or work-related contact dermatitis. Evidence exists suggesting that the occupational history is often neglected among primary care physicians and specialists. Failure to diagnose OA in a timely fashion by identifying occupational sources of exposure, for example, may result in unnecessary morbidity in workers whose exposure is not modified. In this commentary, we propose a brief intake survey to be administered to all patients coming to an allergy practice to quickly screen for possible work-related respiratory symptoms and another for occupational dermatitis. This would require minimal physician time and could be self-administered at the initial encounter and incorporated into the medical record. A positive response to either surveys should trigger a more detailed evaluation by the allergy specialist. More detailed approaches for stepwise clinical evaluation of the worker suspected of OA and contact dermatitis are discussed.

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