
Problem Statement: This manuscript is about effectiveness of using individualized memory stick for referred as mainstreamed students’ motivation. It is apparently known that there are referred as mainstreamed children who need individualized education program (IEP) one to ten ratio. This is really troublesome not only for teacher but also school counselor. Professionals think that two referred as mainstreamed students are normal number for any class contain twenty four students. But there are some cases when the referred as mainstreamed students increased five this is really unwanted sudation for all school bodies. Teachers really having trouble when they have to devote their time to those two different groups. When the teacher answer the question of normal student the mainstreamed one losing his or her attention and start to broke up class climate. This situation is valid for counterpart. Lots of homework in other words many of collected papers that require teacher and counselor check can have problems. It is pity that this situation is both time consuming and waste of material that’s why no one have enough time to look close to them. The lost, forgotten or unfinished materials (especially home works) starts home wars between parents and students. Individualized memory stick (I Stick) or Bireysel Bellek [(in Turkish)(B Bellek)] is a kind of record program that contains student personal appraisal is a rescue for families, classroom teachers, counselors, friends and students for enhancing motivation. Purpose of Study: The purpose of the study is to investigate effectiveness of I Stick for mainstreamed-referred fourth grades students on motivation. Methods: This study is conducted as experimental study. Quantitative data gathering research methods used in the study. Motivation in education scale in education applied to 668 fourth grade students. Experimental, control and placebo of three groups are constituted. Findings and Results: Before intervention the motivation levels of (pre-test) experiment, control and placebo groups are x y z. After two week intervention motivation levels of groups are x1 y1 and z1. The fallow up test results are x2 y2 z 2. Results show that there is significant difference between experiment, placebo and control groups. Using I stict has positive effect on student motivation this positive affect prolong three weeks interval. Conclusions and Recommendations: Using I Stick is highly influential on student motivation. Whatever the exceptionality, students are positively affected I Stick. I Stick is useful for collect, follow up, interpret and draw conclusion records about IEP students on their motivation. Students who have high motivation is also well come for the people around the IEP student. Future studies should conduct among different age, sex and domains such as anxiety, social emotional learning.

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